The foundation for datalab.cc was set in 2014 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, with the intention of helping people work productively with data. Our big picture goal is the democratization of data insight. That is, we believe that everybody – everybody – can benefit from being able to work fluently with data, no matter what their field of interest, their specific job title, or their level of involvement.


Barton Poulson, Founder

Bart Teaching Triptych with No Border.png

Barton Poulson has taught the principles and practices of data for over twenty years. He has a PhD in Social and Personality Psychology from the City University of New York and is on the faculty at Utah Valley University. Bart has also collaborated with his wife, choreographer Jacque Bell, to integrate digital technology into modern dance performances, which they share at danceandcode.com. He is online at @bartonpoulson and bartonpoulson.com. Bart supports Processing, jamovi, Blossom Academy, Spy Hop, Repertory Dance Theatre, KUAA FM, and The Equal Justice Initiative. He and his family live in beautiful Salt Lake City, Utah.
